Ktor WebSockets

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Ktor provides a WebSocket plugin to allow your applications to push real-time data between backend servers and clients over HTTP.

The code in this post was tested against Ktor 2.1.0 and 2.0.3.

Including WebSockets

To include WebSockets in your Ktor server:

  • Include the ktor-server-websockets dependency:

    implementation "io.ktor:ktor-server-websockets:$ktor_version"
  • Install the WebSockets plugin:

    fun Application.module() {
  • Add a webSocket route:

    fun Application.module() {
      routing { people(personRepository) }
    fun Routing.people(personRepository: PersonRepository) {
      webSocket {
        personRepository.updates.collect { (id, person) ->
          when (person) {
            null -> outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Deleted person [$id]"))
            else -> outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Saved person [$id] $person"))

    Each new WebSocket connection invokes the webSocket handler.

    The outgoing property allows you to send data (as Frames) to the consuming client.

Those steps will cover the bare minimum needed to leverage WebSockets in your Ktor server; however, it doesn’t tell you how to use Ktor’s implementation, which I’ll go through next.

Writing a WebSocket handler

As you saw above, writing a WebSocket handler requires calling the webSocket extension function inside a Route (which Routing is).

The previous example did not include its own path; if you want to have one, then you can write:

webSocket("/updates") {

webSocket’s signature is:

public fun Route.webSocket(
  protocol: String? = null, 
  handler: suspend DefaultWebSocketServerSession.() -> Unit

A few things to point out:

  • protocol is the path I mentioned before (I find the naming odd myself).
  • The handler is executed when a WebSocket connection is initiated, giving you a DefaultWebSocketServerSession to handle the back and forth between the client and server.
  • handler is a suspendable function so that you can use coroutines or Flows within it.

Outgoing data

To send data from the WebSocket connection to the initiating client, you should call send on DefaultWebSocketServerSession’s outgoing property.

webSocket {
    personRepository.updates.collect { (id, person) ->
    when (person) {
      null -> outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Deleted person [$id]"))
      else -> outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Saved person [$id] $person"))

Sending and receiving data via WebSockets in Ktor is done via Frames. Text data is transferred over the WebSocket using Frame.Text in this example. The other Frame types are: Binary, Close, Ping and Pong.

Although it is not evident from the code, personRepository.updates is returning a hot Flow that does not complete, meaning that this socket will remain open until the client’s termination due to the call to collect.

Incoming data

To receive data from the client’s side of the WebSocket, you should interact with DefaultWebSocketServerSession.incoming.

There are a few ways you can receive data from the incoming property:

  • Using a for loop:

    webSocket {
      for (frame in incoming) {
        (frame as? Frame.Text)?.let { text ->
          filter = when (text.readText()) {
            "saves" -> PeopleFilter.SAVES
            "deletes" -> PeopleFilter.DELETES
            else -> PeopleFilter.ALL

    incoming is a ReceiveChannel and therefore provides an operator fun for an Iterator, which is why you can loop over it directly using a for loop. If you wanted to write Iterator styled code, you could call incoming.receive directly.

  • Creating a Flow using receiveAsFlow:

    webSocket {
      incoming.receiveAsFlow().collect { frame ->
        (frame as? Frame.Text)?.let { text ->
          filter = when (text.readText()) {
            "saves" -> PeopleFilter.SAVES
            "deletes" -> PeopleFilter.DELETES
            else -> PeopleFilter.ALL

In both versions, ReceiveChannel.receive is called under the hood, receiving incoming data over the WebSocket connection if there is any and suspending the coroutine otherwise. The use of coroutines and suspending functions means you don’t need to worry about blocking your executing threads or managing threads yourself.

Similarly, to sending outgoing data, the WebSocket receives Frames. The examples above check that each Frame is a Text frame, then parses its data using readText.

Sending and receiving at the same time

The code below combines the incoming and outgoing data streams from above to ensure data flows in both directions at the same time:

webSocket {
  var filter = PeopleFilter.ALL

  // Calls [launchIn] to create a [Job] that receives from the [incoming] stream.
  incoming.receiveAsFlow().onEach { frame ->
    (frame as? Frame.Text)?.let { text ->
      filter = when(text.readText()) {
        "saves" -> PeopleFilter.SAVES
        "deletes" -> PeopleFilter.DELETES
        else -> PeopleFilter.ALL

  // Collect is a terminal operation.
  personRepository.updates.collect { (id, person) ->
    when (person) {
      null -> {
        if (filter == PeopleFilter.ALL || filter == PeopleFilter.DELETES) {
          outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Deleted person [$id]"))
      else -> {
        if (filter == PeopleFilter.ALL || filter == PeopleFilter.SAVES) {
          outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Saved person [$id] $person"))

The crucial difference compared to the independent examples from before is that the incoming stream launches a Job which allows the current thread to carry on. Without this, the thread would never reach the outgoing code.

To achieve the same behaviour, you can wrap the for loop version of the incoming stream from before in a launch block.

It is important to state that something must block the webSocket handler from completing. If you fail to do this, your WebSocket will initiate correctly but will terminate instantly as your code completes. You can successfully keep your WebSocket open by calling collect (a terminal Flow operation) or using a for loop.

In the example, collect streams updates to the client, while a coroutine thread pool handles the incoming stream.

The blocking terminal call could be switched around, and the code would still work:

webSocket {
  var filter = PeopleFilter.ALL

  // The outgoing stream now launches a job.
  personRepository.updates.onEach { (id, person) ->
    when (person) {
      null -> {
        if (filter == PeopleFilter.ALL || filter == PeopleFilter.DELETES) {
          outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Deleted person [$id]"))
      else -> {
        if (filter == PeopleFilter.ALL || filter == PeopleFilter.SAVES) {
          outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Saved person [$id] $person"))
  // The incoming stream now calls [collect].
  // This terminal operation blocks [webSocket] from completing.
  incoming.receiveAsFlow().collect { frame ->
    (frame as? Frame.Text)?.let { text ->
      filter = when(text.readText()) {
        "saves" -> PeopleFilter.SAVES
        "deletes" -> PeopleFilter.DELETES
        else -> PeopleFilter.ALL

Terminating a WebSocket

To cleanly terminate a WebSocket connection, we want the following to occur:

  • A close frame is sent to the client.
  • The webSocket handler stops executing.

In simpler code where for loops or Iterators are used, returning from the webSocket handler achieves clean termination:

webSocket {
  for (frame in incoming) {
    (frame as? Frame.Text)?.let { text ->
      filter = when (text.readText()) {
        "saves" -> PeopleFilter.SAVES
        "deletes" -> PeopleFilter.DELETES
        "stop" -> return@webSocket // Terminates the WebSocket.
        else -> PeopleFilter.ALL

The webSocket is terminated by completing it; however, calling return can be tricky depending on the code as you cannot return to outer scopes within a lambda/function.

Placing this code into a launch block prevents the return@webSocket from compiling and requires a different solution.

In this case, you should call WebSocketSession.close to terminate the socket:

launch {
  for (frame in incoming) {
    (frame as? Frame.Text)?.let { text ->
      filter = when (text.readText()) {
        "saves" -> PeopleFilter.SAVES
        "deletes" -> PeopleFilter.DELETES
        "stop" -> {
          close() // Sends a [Frame.Close] to the client.
          return@let // Returning here lets the code compile.
        else -> PeopleFilter.ALL

close sends a Frame.Close over the connection causing it to terminate.

You can also trigger similar behaviour with the updates heading outbound over the WebSocket rather than inbound:

personRepository.updates.collect { (id, person) ->
  when (person) {
    null -> {
      if (filter == PeopleFilter.ALL || filter == PeopleFilter.DELETES) {
        outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Deleted person [$id]"))
        close() // Sends a [Frame.Close] to the client.
    else -> {
      if (filter == PeopleFilter.ALL || filter == PeopleFilter.SAVES) {
        outgoing.send(Frame.Text("Saved person [$id] $person"))

Note that collect may still execute after close is called but will only do so for the next pass-through of collect, meaning that the webSocket handler only fully terminates after this point. Where the close occurs does not matter here. Without looking into it, I’m assuming it has something to do with the coroutine processing the Flow being suspended while the connection is closed.

Dan Newton
Written by Dan Newton